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Sunday, August 20, 2017

How the level of thinkings determine the happiness

The ultimate goal of life is the happiness and everyone wants to be happy in life and deserves the fullest joys until it remains on this earth. The happiness depends on the level of thinking how people think about the world, about the life and everything that exists and impacts our lives. We can perceive
Photo by Bardhoj Okhrabo; Sai Wan Village Hong Kong
the happiness depending on the level of that we think and how we take these substances to strike us every day. Based on my study and experience of life,  I am trying to mention the three levels of thinkers, which have been influencing the peoples' mind for the happiness.

The first level of thinkers are the people who seek the happiness, not for oneself, but for the sake all the living beings who exist in this world. This level of thinkers don't want to have and enjoy with the achievement of individual success, but enjoy with the development and spreading the love and compassion to the people of the world. This level of people fights for their rights and freedom for the humanity. Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr is the example of this level of thinkers.

The second level of thinkers are the people who want to have the success in life for the sake of individual happiness and for the happiness of family and relatives. It extends the love and compassion towards the relatives who they know or are in bond with them by biological relationship or by some ways as friends who they are connected with certain means.

The third level of thinkers is limited to individual happiness and oneself success, but don't care for friends and relatives neither for the world. This level of thinkers is narrow-minded, self-oriented, individualistic and isolated. This type of people doesn't care about the humanity, love, and compassion towards the living being of the world but care for oneself and limited within it.
Every individual is different and unique is our qualities. In order to have the true happiness in life, we have to try to be spread the love and compassion toward the people of the world without limitations and without any boundary. If we are limited to seek something that always tends to be the second and third level of thinkers. Everything in this world is temporary we are living only for a certain period of time. That is why, if we try to extend our love toward the world the true happiness is possible one day. Even with a lot of hard work and struggles we have to think limitless not only for the sake of our own joy and pleasure but for the sake of all. It is only possible to do something different and to bring changes where everyone can enjoy the life to the fullest!