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Monday, January 16, 2017

Celebrating the Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Martin Luther King Jr day is the federal holiday in United State on the commemoration of his achievement on the occasion of his birthday. The day is celebrated as the life and legacy of a man as
King Addressing the movement: Google
the holiday for his timeless value, respect, dignity and humanity that he brought to his life.

It is the day to embrace the glory of humanity, compassion, faith, integration and respect to each other regardless of the race, color, origin, and orientation toward some faith and believe. We are a human and humanity is the greatest verse in this earth. Nothing more than humanity exists in the earth, which integrates us all equally in the same threads of a necklace. It is the commemoration of the unconditional love, faith, and belief in the nonviolent movement, justice, equality and forgiveness toward the human being.

King is one of the inspirational men with a great vision with collective longing who believed on nonviolent movements and eventually succeeded to achieve the goal of equality. His speech 'I have a dream' is one of the popular speech in the world. He is one of the youngest recipients of the Novel peace prize.  He faced the jail threat and eventually lost his life for the sake of equality and freedom.

He fought against the color bound society and granted the justice which integrated the equality of human rights, which ended the multiracial societal concept and integrated the holistic nation as we
are together to be united to this great nation under the same roof of this country. He went to jail 29 times and faced several threats and bombing, but never went back to the freedom of humanity, equality of the people living in this great nation.

In the honor of the assassinated civil rights leader, the third of the Monday of every January is celebrated as the Martin Luther King jr day within all the 50 states of the United States. The great leader was assassinated in 1968 and as many opinions existed the celebration of the day, it was started formally within all states together since 2002.