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Friday, November 25, 2016

"Nothing is possible without hope"

You all are my inspiration, my motivation to move forward in life and I am so grateful having you all in my life. Please accept my gratitude and respect from the core of my heart and would like to thank you all for being my part of the life on the auspicious occasion of thanksgivings.
Beautiful scene by Bardhoj Okhrabo
Life is not so easy as well not so difficult. We have to fight with many challenges on every step of life as we all are born with the flaws. We couldn't be perfect for someone and someone couldn't be perfect for us. We have to compromise and accept the setbacks in order to be a human being of this society. We have to get along with the people even though we don't want to do. We might have encountered with
many people on the way of our journey and might have undergone with many tragic moments when our loved one leave us alone the edge of the road. I know it is the toughest one, but we have to accept those difficulties. We all are not permanent in this life and will go away from this world one day. This is true and sure which we can't avoid. Deeply diving in the tragedy will only make us sad, rather we have to enjoy the life with the fullest joy. Every moment of our life is beautiful, we have to try to make it a precious memory for tomorrow.
Let's cherish our joy with the hope and the momentum to make it worth of living. Every single moment is precious for us. I hope we all could cherish our life joining our hands together and sharing our joy and happiness together. We all have hope and it is the fundamental entity to make things going on. Nothing is possible in this world without hope and expectation.
Please accept my sincere apology if I hurt you unknowingly. I know I am not perfect, and I have also many flaws, but I also know nothing is possible without hope and being positive about life. We hope for a better day for tomorrow, a better moment in life that may come tomorrow. Without any hope, we don't do anythings and we don't make things better. Hope is one of the bricks of the pillar. You all have added a brick for me to inspire my life to make it stronger and every day. On the auspicious day of thanksgiving, I would like to express my gratitude and respect to all the audience from the core of my heart once again. I hope we all go together forever until we live in this world. Happy thanksgiving and happy holidays enjoy !