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Saturday, July 9, 2016

Life with a purpose( Inspiring Story of Nick Vujicic)

Can we imagine our life without our limbs? We have two hands and two feet to stand but still not enough for us what we want to do. But Nick Vujicic is the one who born without limbs in 1982 in Melbourne Australia. The doctors hadn’t detected any medical defects when his mother was pregnant.

 According to his autobiography, his mother refused to hold him while the nurse
was holding him in front of her, but eventually, his parents ended up accepting him to their son thinking it was the God's plan for their son. He was born with two small feet, one of which as per him “Chicken drumstick” because of the shape what it looked like originally. He was born with the toes of that foot fused. He could use that toes as a finger to grab after performing an operation. He has been able to use his foot to operate an electric wheelchair, a computer, and mobile phone. He had several questions with him why he was different than other children? Why he had an amazing childhood than other normal children had? When he started to understand his life he found himself just a burden for his parents and would have committed suicide if his parent hadn’t told him the way he born was beautiful and he looked beautiful by himself. He got inspired, loved and encouraged by his family.

When he became old enough to go to school the law in Australia didn’t allow him to be integrated into a mainstream school because of his physical disability. But a miracle happened when her mother fought with that law and he became the first child to be integrated into a mainstream school. He liked going to school because he wanted to have his life like everyone else had, but on his early years of school he encountered uncomfortable times of feeling rejected, weird and bullied due to his physical disability. It was difficult for him to get over with that situation, but his parents supported him to understand the attitudes and the value of the people which helped him to overcome that challenging time. He knew, he was different in his appearance, but on the inside, he was just like everyone else. Many times he felt like he wouldn’t go to school because he shouldn’t have faced those negative attention. How the successful people think

His parents encouraged him to ignore those and to make friends like what the other did. Soon the kids realized that he was also the same as them and able to make friends. Many times he depressed because of being himself. He used to go to Sunday school and learned that God loves everyone. He thought if God loved him why he made him like that. In the same way, frustrations had thrived within him many times, but his family was always there to comfort him. After years of emotional struggle, he found the value of his life and purpose of the living being himself. He was convinced that there is no such thing as luck, chance or coincidence that these “bad” things happen in our life.

He completed his Bachelor of Commerce majoring in FinanciPlanninging and Accounting at the age of 23. He has become the inspirational speech reaching to the children and people about the purpose of life.He has set tremendous goals that he wants to achieve in his life. He married on 2012 and have become the father of two sons, which people thought was impossible for him. He has owned both profitable and nonprofit organization and also an author of the book “ Life Without Limits: Inspiration of a Ridiculously Good Life(2010) and many more other inspirations books, documentary, speeches etc.He says; if we have the desire and passion to do something, we will achieve it in good time. The end
