9:57:00 PM Indirasite.com
Short Story by Indira
The poor lady has been living her life in a mystery because she has been fantasizing. Her endearing and manipulation of life is quite unique in the real world. She doesn’t care the society where she lives and the rule that is made by human being. She knows; she is also a human, but she doesn’t want to be tied under that rule which is created artificially because it is against her belief and norms. The poor lady is in love with someone and has put him deep inside of her heart. She loves him so much, but she herself doesn’t know the reaction, whether he loves her or not. She is entirely blind by herself but they are the living creatures from different planets and she absolutely knows the truth. One day, the one sided love comes to be true. She received a beautiful letter, which was written by her prince and she became so excited to read. The message was created with an alluring design with symbol of red hearts, rose and diverse pattern of signs. That stated;
Jeju Island, South Korea
“ Dear poor lady”
“Deepest love from your poor guy.Probably, it could be unexpected to you, but you don’t know how much I love you, how much I care you. You have dropped deep inside of my heart from where it is very difficult to take you out. I love you so much! you are striking in my heart every second, You are in my vein, you are in my soul, you are in my dream, you are in my thought, thats why I am alive till the date. You know why I am writing to you? I want to talk to you, I want to feel you, I want to hear your voice, but it's my unfortunate, you are in America. Due to conflicting of time, I am unable to talk with you on the phone. You must be sleeping now, but I hope you will be happy to seeing me here, when you opens your eyes”.
She had just finished reading up to that , she woke up suddenly. She thought it should be in messenger and opened quickly, but found nothing else. Ops! it was just a dream she wrenched . Her imagination is seeking for companionship, endearment and unconditional love. She can’t stop thinking her fictitious poor guy who keeps on coming into her mind. She tried very hard to avoid the portrait that persistently appears in her mind, but she has been crippled because the picture is not erasable. It never goes away from her mind. But, in fact she enjoys in her fantasy because she meets with the poor guy whom she has never seen in her real life. She finds him in her imagination and she spends a beautiful moment with him sharing all her emotions which she can’t share with anyone else except him. She wants to keep her life going on this way. The poor guy comes face to face in her dream, in her feeling, in her fantasy, but she doesn’t know exactly who is he. It seems that he could be someone from the another planet and it is impossible to see him . How the life being mysterious for that poor lady. But fighting with rule of nature which says the love happens between two real creatures; she is persuaded by herself, love could also happen this way. She has agreed with her, life could also be spent this way without any presence, without any physical appearance and without any somatic attachment. She wants to move on mysteriously throughout her life until she will be alive. She insists the way and crave to take her life on her own way of living. The end
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