'Motherhood' a beautiful moment of life
Becoming a mother is one of the beautiful moments in life, but it is meant to cope with a lot of challenges as well. None of the things are there in this world, which can replace your happiness that brings to you by being a mother
. When I gave birth to my baby, I felt that I won this world. I felt I am completed only after that. I went to school, college, university and started to work, earned money, involved in different social activities, wrote articles, news, had fun with friends, but I was still incomplete by that time. Therefore, when I came across with this moment and found that, that gap was filled by motherhood. So, we can't compare the happiness that is achieved by money or something physical materials, which can be obtained by motherhood.
. When I gave birth to my baby, I felt that I won this world. I felt I am completed only after that. I went to school, college, university and started to work, earned money, involved in different social activities, wrote articles, news, had fun with friends, but I was still incomplete by that time. Therefore, when I came across with this moment and found that, that gap was filled by motherhood. So, we can't compare the happiness that is achieved by money or something physical materials, which can be obtained by motherhood.
People think that becoming a mother is more challenging than what we think and feel before the exact moment. It’s very true, as every coin has head and tail like it’s the two sides of every thing. Its absolutely have a lots of challenges in motherhood; tireless day, sleepless night, stuck the limbs within a house, running the household chores and taking care of little ones are not something we imagine before reaching there. We have to cope with a lot of things that comes to us, but the joys what we fee with the little ones move that away and reduces those freaking moments. Those are countless comparing the love and emotional bond that we could have by motherhood.
Talking about a career along with the responsibility of mother is the toughest moment that ones has to face, but everyone should be optimistic with the day that comes to be true on day in the favor of what we expect and what we want to do. Yes, I know it's quite difficult to leave my baby with someone else unless and until he becomes ready to eat by himself. My baby is quite fussy to eat and have to spend a lot of time while feeding. He usually doesn't open his mouth when there is no toys around or no baby songs or without making any fun. That's the reason; I couldn't be dependent for anyone else on the issue on feeding and taking care him all the ways throughout the day. I talked with several Mothers and found the same response. Only few women are lucky; their infants eat well and make them good-bye to work without fussing.
Becoming motherhood is beautiful not only in the sense that you have become a mother. Its a time you can play with a tiny hand, tiny head, tiny feet, little finger and little cutie pie face that make you the different feeling and compassion. In addition, the joy you gained whe your little one starts to talk taataa, baaba, daada, those are very interesting and amazing opportunities that you could ever have in lives. The other side what we expect to encounter is that, we forget to eat, forget to cook, no time to taking care of self and no life for mother to think about her. I mean sometimes you rarely have time to do those stuffs. On the other hand, if you don't have enough family support for your financial situation will make you feel bad and it drags to the doghouse. Someone has to be ready to face financial crisis as well. If you don't have an understanding partner, then it's a time to fight with many stuffs that you can’t imagine without diving yourself That's why you have to be ready to cope with all kind of difficulties and I hope you will definitely be ready because this moment doesn't come all the time. Preparation makes you in better stage, if accidently invites that moment; you can enjoy but will have to undergo a lot of things along with. Be prepared all the ways to go …. Good Luck and Good Bye 08/11/2015
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