Trump’s first 100 days of Presidency
Numbers of American faced the difficult times basically the most affected parts became the separation with the family members due to the deportation of illegal immigrants. Many American born US citizen who had their parents illegal had to
face the separation with their loved ones for the uncertain period of times. They have a bitter experience in their life as without any fault Trump’s presidency discovered the guilt for their stay in the country without documentation. His one of the biggest criticism is tearing down the constitutions and signing the several executive orders which seemed against the constitutions.
face the separation with their loved ones for the uncertain period of times. They have a bitter experience in their life as without any fault Trump’s presidency discovered the guilt for their stay in the country without documentation. His one of the biggest criticism is tearing down the constitutions and signing the several executive orders which seemed against the constitutions.
One of the most unpopular executive order was his travel ban where the people from the major Muslim countries are temporarily banned from visiting the United State. He is one of the presidents who has signed the 77 executive orders during his first 100 days. One of his recent executive order by keeping the federal budget from Sanctuary cities halted the nationwide and mostly criticized one. He also tried to replace the Obama care, but as it was against the ordinary people, then he fled from its attempt.
As per the daily news source he has been rated on one of the worst presidents for 100 years. He has promised to generate millions of jobs, but he hasn’t passed any legislations that support to create the jobs. Due to his daily twists and his spending of precious time on weekends on golf, many American believed that the first 100 days have been the disaster. Despite with a trial to repeal the Obama care it has been more popular among the people. Building the wall between the Mexico and American has been one of the conflicting parts of his first 100 days. According to the most popular newspaper NY times, much of his agenda stymied even with that of criticism he has become the point of the biggest stock market rise of any president since 1980. The majority of the people according to the different source says that he is one of the dishonest people as he has published his own tax payment to the government.
The world views on Trump Presidency
The regional allies supported Trump to enforce the previously declared US red line in Syria against chemical weapons on its own land and own people by the existing regime. Trump had ordered to launch retaliatory strikes after that event. NATO partners welcomed the declaration of Trump for no longer consideration of the transatlantic military alliance obsolete. But the Asian allies like South Korea and Japan are worried about the US policy on North Korea. They were in favor of stance which was against the Kim Jong Un’s ramped up nuclear missile program, but they have doubts about the conflicting aircraft. Many people of the world say that President Trump has little knowledge about the world and foreign policy. He has twisted out about the North Korea and there is a threat among world with the expectation of the third world war may happen.
Trump hasn’t traveled any country yet though he hosted and met Chines President Xi Jinxing at his Mar-a- Lago estate and tried to strengthen the two countries' relationship but still, many Chinese experts say there are a lot of nervousness about the incoming leader. Many leaders of the world realized that Donald Trump was an unknown commodity and many of them hoped they would be able to deal with a new man in the White house. Trump has still yet to meet the Mexico’s president Enrique Pena Nieto as the government was not promising to pay for the wall. Many Mexican still have fair whether the president is seizing some portions of their wages to utilize that to build the wall.
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