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Saturday, October 8, 2016

Why Hillary Clinton is getting better

Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee is getting better than Donald Trump  the Republican presidential nominee since the first presidential debate, even they were in the top-notch competition before then. Many Americans are standing with Clinton because of the various reasons.
Hillary Clinton, credit Google
Some of the reasons why people are inclining towards the Clinton could be the following points:

Her presentation in the first presidential debate

Millions of people agree that her presentation in the first presidential debate was much better than Trump. She presented in a professional manner, even her opposition was interrupting her on what the statement she was making. Her concise deliberation of what she is going to do for the nation and  how she has been preparing to be the President of the United States put a great attention and inclination toward her.

Her education and experience.

The president Barak Obama believes that she is one of the most experienced and qualified candidates to be the president of the United State as well many American believe that Clinton is a better candidate than the Trump because of her political background, experience, and qualification. 'She is one of the most qualified, experienced and well-equipped candidates of the president'. She has already served as the first lady of the United State, Senator and Secretary of the State which are worthwhile to serve the president of the United State.

Financial and international Market concept;

The investors and businessmen believe that if the Clinton wins the election, she would remove the uncertainty for companies and investors. Many Americans think that she is far better than Donald Trump on the concern of international market. They scare if the Trump wins there will be more uncertainties and tightening in the international market that is bad for investors and companies like market turmoil created by Britain voting to leave the European Union.

Clinton mission: 

Her mission of making the issues of human rights as a women’s rights has an influential impact. The existence of the disparity between male and female in regards to wages and other fundamental rights is the ground concern of many American women.  The victory of Clinton doesn’t only mean for the Democrats, but it will break the glass ceiling, making the history of the United State. She will fight for the equal rights and equal pay for the women and she is the one who is expected to fight for the people of the middle class as she has grown up and for the people of have not.

Immigrants and minorities

Due to the Trump immigration policy which is harmful to almost more than 11 million of undocumented immigrants, immigrants and minorities have inclined to vote the Hillary Clinton. She is only the one who can resolve the issues of immigration and make this country a great nation.